Using GTM to tell your Contact Centre Team more about your customers'​ experiences

A few months ago I posted about a way to send daily slack notifications to your team telling them how fast the site was for particular users the previous day. Without rehashing that post (which you can see here) the basic tech summary is that it used the Navigation Timing API to log exact page load times for each page as a Custom Metric in Google Analytics and then matched these to the Persona who loaded the page.

A client of mine read the post and presented me with an interesting thought. They know that page load speeds vary widely on their site, especially on their customer self-support pages because they are currently undertaking a refresh and half of the pages are on an older, slower, stack and half are on a newer, faster, stack. They've also noted, anecdotally, that customers are angrier when they get in contact with the Contact Centre if they have viewed a lot of the slower pages.

Jacob Moran

I’m Jacob. I like digital analytics and getting caught in the rain


Stop asking your dev teams to build things


Google Tag Manager naming conventions