Experimenting with large story sizes

A few friends and I have been doing what a lot of people have been doing with the extra time COVID has given them - we are working on a side project.

The focus of this side-project isn't important, but the fact that it is completely green-fields/blue-sky is.

For this project, we had a simple development team and a product owner. The dev team, which I am part of, was full of people who had been utilising different SDLC methodologies for years and wanted to try and do things in the perfect way all the agile books described.

You know? That Nirvana that no-one ever reaches? Yeah, that way.

So, we went out and undertook some user research, developed some Personas and wrote a Product Backlog using the Personas as the basis of our user stories.

We choose to utilise a Scrum framework for the MVP as we thought it would keep us on track and we weren't sure what our velocity would be.

We then ordered the backlog and got to work on the first sprint.

Jacob Moran

Iā€™m Jacob. I like digital analytics and getting caught in the rain


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